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About Our Ministry

As an American Christian, I have always wrestled with Mark 16:17, which basically says that awesome signs will follow true believers of Jesus.  Here I am, someone who grew up going to church and reading the Bible but have NEVER really seen signs like the Bible mentions.  Are you like me?  Fast forward to 2021, God showed my wife, Erin, and me that He wanted to reveal Himself in that way but it would take a mustard seed-sized faith on my part.  I have since learned that God wants every true Christian to experience His best, which includes healings, signs, and wonders!

In my search for the greater gifts, I began experiencing several miraculous healings and started to document them.  This blog is meant to share these healings, boost your faith and help you start to see God's miraculous hand at work in your life.  I pray that you are blessed as you dig through these true stories and please let us know if it made an impact on you. 


God bless you brothers and sisters, 


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