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Back Healing 1

About a month ago I had the opportunity to speak at my dad's church in Pennsylvania. Because it was my dads church, I was a little more nervous than normal. I knew what I was going to say, but I also was praying all weekend for God to reveal something specific for that particular body. This was going to be the church's first ever healing service.

We had worship planned and also picked a weekend that the town was doing a parade and festival. The church members passed out healing tracks as they marched in the parade down Center street. So many people were curious and I could feel the excitement building in the town.

The night finally arrived and the house was full. We started off by praying, worshiping and then sharing the Word, including multiple other testimonies of healing. I couldn't help but notice how many back healings I shared that evening. I took that as a sign that God wanted to specifically heal backs that night. I told the congregation that I believe God wanted to heal backs right then and there. I then asked if anyone in the church had back pain, and if they did (and could) I asked them to stand up. Across the church, many people stood. I could see the pain on their faces as some struggled to their feet. I asked those sitting around them to stretch out their hands and begin to pray for healing. Then I asked the question everyone was thinking, "how do you feel now?"

There was a pause over the church and it seemed like in that moment, nothing happened. Then one young lady toward the front of the sanctuary said, "I can't believe it, my pain is gone!" The church erupted in praise. After that we had a long night of standing in faith and praying for many others to be healed.

A few weeks after this event, I received this text.

"Hi! So I was at the healing service a couple weeks ago and I have been having back pain. Nothing bad, but it definitely effected my work and attitude and was getting worse. I was going to go to a block party but the Lord said to keep walking straight. I ended up coming to the church for the healing service. I was excited to feel the Lord working on people, but I never thought it would be me. So as we were worshipping, I was trying to get into it and let myself go and give God room to work in me. The speaker had us close our eyes and concentrate on our pain. Then he asked us to put our hands on the spot where there was pain. So I put my hands on my back and he kept talking about the pain going away and God taking it away. Be gone pain! Then he asked if anyone felt the pain gone and I did! It was totally awesome, totally gone and I was shocked. After I sat in the pew and kept testing it by moving my back muscles, sure enough my pain slowly started to come back. The next day was Sunday and my back pain was back, but I really did feel the pain go away at the healing service. I talked to a couple other people and they all said the same thing. God did heal you and I have to believe it and keep believing. So I said to myself I'm going to try that. So I talked to God to take my back pain and told the devil he had no control over me and to leave. And wouldn't you know it, my back pain went away and didn't come back!!! God is good!"

Healing is God's heart. He wants you to be healed, whole and pain free. He wants you to believe Him and to continue to believe Him. I know some of you are struggling with this idea of healing. Maybe some have prayed and watched people die. I know I have! But let me remind you that God's Word is always true. God's Word will outlast anything else we can see or feel in this life. Trust His Word. Believe and continue to believe.

Isaiah 53:4-6 Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.


Holy bible detail

Do you know if you are going to Heaven when you die?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved!  It really is that simple. Putting your trust and faith in Jesus will allow you to experience peace on what will happen once you are gone.  

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