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Elijah's Faith

I'm in the middle of reading about Elijah and my mind is blown right now, I just needed to share! If you need any type of encouragement to have faith in whatever you're going through, this story shows tremendous faith and multiple miraculous signs and wonders from God.

1 Kings 18 Basically, there is a huge drought in the land right now and prophets of God are in hiding due to persecution from a woman named Jezebel, who worshiped a false god, Baal. Elijah, comes into the picture and has all the people gathered together. The crowd included 450 prophets of Baal. Elijah gave the Baal worshipers a chance to show the power of their god. He held a contest of sorts... there were 2 bulls on 2 separate alters - 1 for Baal and 1 for God. Whoever's god answered their call by lighting their bull on fire was the one true God. The Baal worshipers pleaded to their god from morning until night. Nothing happened. So then Elijah stepped up and instructed that water be poured all over the bull and alter. Not once, but 3 times. Water was flooding the alter and everything was drenched. His faith is already showing itself here... not only did he believe that God would show up, but he made the situation seem impossible to others, so that when God showed up, it would be obvious it was God, not circumstantial! Elijah called to God, gave Him the glory, and IMMEDIATELY fire consumed the bull. Every drop of the pools of water were licked up by the fire. When all of the people saw it, they immediately fell down and worshiped God!

What an amazing wonder of God that happened here! But what came before the miracle? Elijah's obedience and unwavering faith. The miracles don't stop there in this story! So the peoples hearts were turned towards God and the prophets of Baal were executed, so the unbelieving atmosphere has changed to a believing atmosphere. Remember they were in the middle of a drought? Elijah announced that rain would be coming. He went to the top of a mountain to worship and wait in expectation. He instructed the man with him to look out to the sea for a cloud. The man did not see one. Elijah instructed him again, still nothing. Again, Elijah's faith did not waver! In faith, he instructed the man to look again SEVEN times! And there was a cloud! Within moments, the entire sky was black with rain clouds. Guess what? One more miracle still coming! Elijah instructed the man to tell Ahab (king and Baal worshiper) to flee before the rains come. He fled on horse drawn chariot, headed to the town where Jezebel was. Then, the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah, strengthened his legs, and ran AHEAD of Ahab to the town! This journey was about 25 miles distance, and not only was he strengthened to RUN the entire distance, but God miraculously made him fast enough to catch up to the man who had a HEAD START with a CHARIOT and he beat him there!!! Impossible. Yet it happened with Gods miraculous power. Again, the faith preceded the miracle here. Elijah wasn't hastening to run ahead before Ahab knew what was happening. He literally allowed Ahab to get a head start, so that God could reveal His power.

Faith+Expectation = Power

Be encouraged in whatever you're facing today to have faith and expectancy in our mighty God!


Holy bible detail

Do you know if you are going to Heaven when you die?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved!  It really is that simple. Putting your trust and faith in Jesus will allow you to experience peace on what will happen once you are gone.  

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