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Hand Pain Healing

For a few years, I have been helping my husband with construction jobs. Gripping small things became harder and harder as my hand began to hurt worse day by day. My paternal great-grandmother and grandmother had crippling arthritis, so I just assumed it was the onset and would have to live with it. I would pray that my hands would not hurt so that I could continue to do the labor the Lord had set before me, but still woke up every morning hurting. I heard Randy explaining how he had been seeing miracles and healings, and asked him one Sunday if he would pray for my hands. After all, Matthew 18:19 tells us that if two of us agree, it will be done by the Father….So he did. At first I did not feel much, so he prayed a second time. I felt a bit of relief, and he prayed again. As he was speaking words of binding the pain of Satan and casting it out in the name of Jesus, I believed that I would no longer feel pain in my hands. And instantly, the pain was gone. To this day, I do not feel pain in my hands. If I happen to wake up and think the pain could return, my thoughts go to that day and I thank God for allowing Jesus to heal my hands.

- Jesi

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Holy bible detail

Do you know if you are going to Heaven when you die?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved!  It really is that simple. Putting your trust and faith in Jesus will allow you to experience peace on what will happen once you are gone.  

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