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Healing: A Seed Planted

We have an awesome healing testimony to share with you today, one that is not only miraculous in itself, but also shows the results of when this seed is planted in your heart!

One evening after worship practice, I was ministering and praying with team members over different prayer requests. As I was praying for one person, I noticed Seth, our youth pastor, standing off to the side simply watching the events take place. He watched as I prayed over this woman. He watched as she reacted to God’s miraculous healing. He watched as she received and rejoiced in this healing! When she left, Seth came up to me to talk. I could see his curiosity in him growing; his excitement and anticipation over what he was beginning to expect in the name of Jesus!

Seth wrote a submission for us to share his story and what happened next:

“It all started when I had been dealing with pain in my knees and back for a while since high school sports. I was a catcher for our baseball team, which left my knees in pain a lot. I decided to ask Randy to pray for me. He prayed for my left knee and immediately my knee felt different. The next day I was at youth group jumping around playing basketball without any pain. I was even doing one-legged squats a couple of days later which I’ve never done. It was amazing!

Following that, I decided I was going to be more bold and pray for others who needed God’s healing in their lives. I prayed for a couple of students at youth group. One girl had hurt her ankle. A student and I prayed for her and her ankle was healed!!

A couple of days later, we got a text asking us to pray for a man who was diagnosed with dementia and bone cancer. Immediately, I texted his wife asking if I could go pray for him, not thinking about what I was about to pray for. This wasn’t just a headache or a hurt ankle, but cancer. So my wife and I went over to their house to pray for the man. We sat down and talked for a few minutes, when their granddaughter pulled into the driveway.

“Are you kidding me?” I was thinking. “I had just taken all of that time to psyche myself up to pray for him and now we have people walking in…”

I listened as they talked with their granddaughter. I kind of zoned out at a certain point thinking about how I would refocus and pray for the man when the granddaughter mentions that she had bad knees from playing sports and that she was a catcher in high school. I almost laughed and rolled my eyes at God while I was telling her that God literally just healed me of the same thing. We prayed for her knees a couple times and the pain reduced tremendously. We prayed the final time and all of the pain left!! Completely restored knees right in front of my eyes.

Then we prayed for the man after the granddaughter left. He said he felt better, but there wasn’t any knowing if something was different. He had several more confusing tests, but all they know is that he doesn’t have bone cancer!!”

Isn’t it amazing how God stretches us and teaches us? All I am doing is humbly allowing God to manifest His power and healing to those I am praying for. It is nothing in my own power; it is nothing I am doing to cause these healings to take place. It is all God in His miraculous grace and love toward us! He already endured the cross to pay for this, He simply wants us to accept what He paid for! All it takes is to allow the seed of truth to be planted in your heart.

“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” (Mark 16:17-18)


Holy bible detail

Do you know if you are going to Heaven when you die?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved!  It really is that simple. Putting your trust and faith in Jesus will allow you to experience peace on what will happen once you are gone.  

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