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Healing Service- Chapel on the Lake

About six months ago I was asked to lead a healing service at a church in a neighboring town. I have never been to this church but was excited as I was just starting to travel outside of my home church to minister. The nice thing about ministering to churches where you don't know anyone is that the Lord can speak to you more clearly. When you are praying for people you know, your mind (at least mine) is flooded with thoughts that I already know about them, which makes it more difficult to distinguish between what is God and what is me.

Once I got there, I was surprised by the amount of love and life that was in this body. The members were so excited and I could tell they were expecting big things to happen. Pastor Brad and Mary do an excellent job ministering to them and teaching them the Word of God. They also teach about the gifts of the Spirit and are equipping believers to go out and make their own mark for the Lord. I love visiting the Chapel on the Lake!

During this particular service we prayed for many different sicknesses and diseases. We prayed for diabetes, dementia, knee pain, back pain, esophageal cancer, arthritis, kidneys, and heart issues. Some of those things mentioned we could see immediate results and some we just left trusting in God. I remember praying for one lady that had a tight shoulder. This lady was probably in her 70's or so and it was very clear that she was in pain. Me and a few others gathered to pray and she immediately had full mobility and no pain. Praise God! I also remember praying for many joints and those are always fun because you can see immediate relief.

After service, the church had a meal and we were invited to stay and eat. During the meal, a man came up to thank me for the service. He was really kind and as we were talking we both realized we had a lot in common. He was telling me a story about his dad when all of a sudden I noticed that he had hearing aids in. I stopped him and asked if I could pray for his hearing. He looked a little surprised but then agreed to allow it. I remember him asking, "should I keep the hearing aids in or take them out?" I responded, "I don't care, God can heal either way."

He decided to take them out and then I placed my hands on his ears and started to pray. I prayed one time, then asked if anything changed. He looked at me and basically said "I guess we will have to leave it in His hands." I asked if I could pray one more time. I again placed my hands on his ears and began to pray. At the end of the prayer, he asked me if I got louder while I prayed. I was thrilled because I knew I didn't! I told him no, and he then walked around the church testing it out. His hearing was restored and he no longer wears his hearing aids!

Although the service was really powerful, that moment during the lunch is what I remember the most. It is awesome to know such a powerful God.

I have a friend who is the best surgeon in the world, has unlimited resources and is excited to help anyone that wants it. His name is Jesus! If you prayed for healing and it didn't manifest immediately, please don't give up! Dig a little deeper. Pray just one more time. Choose to trust God on this side of eternity. Ask God to reveal to you where your mindset (and possibly heart) need some change. He is willing to help you too!


Holy bible detail

Do you know if you are going to Heaven when you die?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved!  It really is that simple. Putting your trust and faith in Jesus will allow you to experience peace on what will happen once you are gone.  

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