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"I Can Walk" Healing Testimony

A few weeks ago I went to go pray for a fellow believer named Ernest, who has a droopy face. Although it looks like he suffered from a stroke, in fact, he did not. It was a surgery mistake that severed the nerves that controlled the right side of his face. I went to pray for Ernest several weeks ago, and although we didn't see any immediate healing in his face, I knew seeds were planted that night and am still believing for his healing to manifest soon.

Fast forward a few weeks and I come across a passage in a book I was reading at the time that talked about how to heal a droopy face. The book is called "How To Heal the Sick" by Charles and Francis Hunter. I would strongly recommend reading it! Once I read that passage I had to reach out to Ernest again to see if he would be willing to let me come and pray. He responded immediately and was excited to have me come back.

On Tuesday, April 18th I went to Ernest's house expecting to read that book and then pray for his face. When I arrived I was surprised to see 4 other people waiting to experience healing. They were already expecting God to move!

One of those people was Ernest's son, whose name is Doug. Doug was in a chair and had a walker beside his chair. Doug immediately began talking about what God has done in his life and was telling me every area he wanted to see healing. The first thing we prayed for was his right foot. He told me that he had lost most of the feeling in his foot which made it difficult to balance.

I asked him to take his shoes off and show me his foot. I poked it several times and asked if he could feel it. It was very clear that he had less feeling in that foot compared to his left one. As a group, we decided to pray for Doug's foot and command feeling to come back in. We prayed 1 time, with little to no change in feeling. We prayed again, then some feeling started to come back! We prayed a 3rd time, and his right foot began to get hot.

"Is this normal?" Doug asked me.

"To be honest, many people have expressed feeling heat when God is working on them," I said.

Then Doug said, "It's not just a little hot, it feels like Fred Flinstone slamming on the brakes hot!"

Praise Jesus that he is working!

I asked if both of his feet were hot or just the right one that we prayed for. He told me that the left one felt normal and the right one was very hot. After some time, Doug even expressed how he could now feel the carpet underneath his foot, which is something he couldn't do before.

After we prayed for his foot, I asked what else he wanted prayer for. To which Doug responded, "I want my legs to work again."

I reminded him and everyone else there that God is faithful to His Word and loves when we put our trust in Him. I put my hands on his knees and prayed for him. In Jesus' name, I commanded strength to be restored and legs to work again. Amen!

Then Doug asked, "Now what?"

To which I responded, "Now get up and walk. Walk across the room."

Doug stood up and began to walk. He took a few steps slowly at first and almost fell, but then continued. By the 4th or 5th step, his family erupted with shouts of praise to God! It was so loud, it took me by surprise. Keep in mind, I just met Doug about 30 minutes before this moment. I didn't know if he could or couldn't walk prior to this moment.

Doug walked across the entire room! Then paused for a moment. Tears of joy were running down everyone's faces, except mine. I still didn't quite know what I was witnessing.

As Doug was standing there, I could see his left leg shaking quite a bit. It looked like it was about to give out on him! I asked Doug to stand there for a moment and we prayed for his left leg to be strong again. The shaking, tremoring leg then immediately strengthened and was still! I could see it happen right before my eyes. After that moment, Doug walked much easier. He walked back and forth, back and forth in their living room. Glory to God!

The family later told me that Doug has not been able to walk without a walker for over a year. The last milestone he had was when he stood for the first time on Mother's Day last year, it is now April. Doug, I, and the rest of his family spent the next several minutes praising God for how good He is. Doug wanted a picture of this moment and gave me permission to share it here. He told me "Brother, you just witnessed a miracle and I want you to post about this so many more can receive it as well."

Doug is now sharing this testimony to boost others' faith in Jesus and I would encourage you to do the same. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). As far as Ernest is concerned, I am expecting to write a post on him very soon! Glory to God!

- Randy


Holy bible detail

Do you know if you are going to Heaven when you die?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved!  It really is that simple. Putting your trust and faith in Jesus will allow you to experience peace on what will happen once you are gone.  

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