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Our First Healing Service (Pt. 2)

God loves when we expect Him to move! In fact, that was the word of the night... expectation. He loves when we are excited, genuine, and expecting God to do God things. Prior to the healing night, I asked 5 people to help me by serving on the "prayer team" for the healing night. Before the meeting, we met as a small group to pray and discuss what the night may look like. We had 3 guys and 3 girls as a part of this team. After studying the Word together and much prayer, we decided to have 3 lines at the service each consisting of 1 guy and 1 girl. We thought this would be best to allow as many people to be prayed for as possible. All of our "prayer team" were people that have seen healings personally and were people filled with the Spirit of God.

After worship and the message, I asked the prayer team to join me at the front as I gave an invitation to anyone who would like prayer to receive healing. At first, nobody moved except my 8-year-old son who came boldly running up to ask for prayer for his lungs. I prayed for him and he thanked me, it was a really special moment. The next thing I knew we had several people in each line waiting to be prayed for. My prayer partner and I immediately started praying and speaking in faith over all kinds of sickness and over all kinds of diseases. Quite early in the night, I noticed a woman in a wheelchair come up to the front. When I saw her, my spirit was so excited and yet nervous to see what was going to happen next. I looked around to see if any of the other teams were going to pray for this woman, but everyone else was preoccupied. I swallowed my doubt and asked God underneath my breath to help me. My prayer partner and I walked over and started praying for her and speaking life over her body. As we were praying, I could hear the other 2 prayer teams shouting for joy and praising God for the healings they were seeing firsthand. I wanted to stop and look but I also wanted to see this woman walk. We continued to pray, however, a crowd began to gather and we were seeing no progress. After several minutes of praying, I asked another team member to continue as I took a moment to regain my focus.

As I walked from team to team, they continued to tell me of the healings that were witnessed. I got a chance to pray for a few backs, necks, feet, and eyes and ALL saw immediate improvement. This reminds me of Jesus who healed ALL. This was so exciting. One of the team members told me that they prayed for a man who had his hearing totally restored in one of his ears. Praise Jesus! Another person came up to me and told me they could now raise their arm, clear over their head and they could not do that before. Praise Jesus! I had people bending at the waist to test their flexibility and pain level as several backs were healed. Praise Jesus! Everywhere I looked it seemed like God was amazing people. I was overwhelmed by His goodness! Thank you Jesus for purchasing my healing!

Toward the end of the night, I had to ask the congregation what God did for them. I asked a sea of faces to raise their hands if they saw complete healing restored in their body that night. I wanted to know who was experiencing 100% healing, not anything less. I was expecting maybe 10 hands to go up as I said COMPLETE healing. To my amazement, there were too many hands to count! And the testimonies are still coming in. Within the past week, I have had 2 people tell me that the migraines they had on a weekly basis have never returned. I am writing this 5 months after the service. 5 months without a headache! I had another woman come to tell me that they are looking forward to their brain scan in a few months as they were diagnosed with a tumor on the brain. They were told that they had brain cancer but since the healing night, they are now expecting total restoration. There is that word again, expectation. Thank you Jesus for being so faithful and clear in your word, that we can expect with faith!

- Randy

1 Comment

Mar 20, 2023

Randy, please pray for healing for pain relief from chris, my husband, as we rely more on God and less on medicine. Thank you! Lois McKinley

Holy bible detail

Do you know if you are going to Heaven when you die?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved!  It really is that simple. Putting your trust and faith in Jesus will allow you to experience peace on what will happen once you are gone.  

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