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Plantar Warts Healing

About six years ago, I was pregnant for the first time. I started developing a wart on the bottom of my foot. At the time, I worked at a dermatology office, so I knew everything about these things. Warts, particularly plantar warts, are really hard to get rid of. It requires multiple visits to the doctor, repeatedly freezing them off each visit until they are finally gone. It requires a lot of pain and patience to get rid of them. But I decided to wait until I was no longer pregnant to do something about the wart, because I knew the process would be harder if I did it while I was pregnant.

Once the baby came, I decided to quit my job and become a stay-at-home mom. I was officially out of the dermatology world, but I still had the head knowledge I gained while I worked there. At the time, I decided to ignore it and not go back to get it treated.

I was a Christian and knew about healing during this time of my life, but I did not pray for the wart or have any expectation of it healing. I just went on like it wasn't even there.

But then the years went on. The wart grew to two. Then more.

They gradually spread along the bottom of my feet until 5 years later, I had about 15 warts.

By this time of my life, I have grown a lot in my faith and desire for God. God was using my husband, Randy, as a vessel for God to work His miracles and heal people. We were both learning a lot and seeing a lot! All while I had these warts on my feet.

I felt like a hypocrite. At least that's what the enemy was whispering in my ear.

We were seeing so many miraculous healings and yet I was a walking example of someone not healed.

So, I battled this thing! I started scraping away the warts and trying natural products to get them to go away. Every single night I would spend a solid 15 minutes working on my feet - the entire time praying and declaring that my feet were healed. I was believing for the warts to go away and see normal skin again. I was binding the enemy with the power God gave me and commanding the plantar warts virus to go away.

And guess what happened!


In fact, they spread even more and a few new ones popped up on my toes that I've never had before.

I was so discouraged. I was doing all the right things - I was praying, I had faith like a mustard seed, I was speaking to the virus and the warts, and I was telling the enemy he had no authority here. So I questioned God if I should fast about this because I am clearly not doing something right.

Then God revealed something to me: I was expecting a healing based on what I am doing to earn the healing. He showed me that I needed to stop striving and working and trying to earn my healing. I will never earn it! That's why He went to the cross for me! Jesus paid for my healing so that I don't have to.

Jesus paid for my healing so that I don't have to.

My heart was in the wrong place. After God revealed this to me, I realized that I just needed to rest in what Jesus did for me. Just rest in the promise. I already commanded the warts to be gone, so I don't need to keep battling them. It was time to rest. So I stopped everything. I knew the truth. And every day, when I felt the warts on my feet when I walked, I still knew I was healed. It no longer mattered to me what I saw or felt, I simply rested in the truth of what God says about me. I am healed.

A few months later, I notice one of the warts on my toes was gone!

Praise God!

A week or so after that, I finally decided to look at the bottom of the feet to see that every single wart was completely gone! In some areas, there were literal holes left behind where the warts used to stick out!

It has now been several months since my healing and the skin on the bottoms of my feet are smoother than they have been in years. There are still no warts or pain. I am so excited to see my feet look normal again! God is so good and wants us just to rest in what He did for us. He did all of the work so that we don't have to. Thank you, Jesus!

- Erin

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Holy bible detail

Do you know if you are going to Heaven when you die?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved!  It really is that simple. Putting your trust and faith in Jesus will allow you to experience peace on what will happen once you are gone.  

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