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Vertigo Healing

Over the past few months I have seen two separate healings of vertigo. From what I have read online, vertigo is a dizziness feeling that can range in intensity. One of the people healed was having mild symptoms of vertigo, specifically in the morning or evening. The feeling would increase if she would look down and close her eyes. The other person was having intense feelings of vertigo. They would become so dizzy, that it would incapacitate her for 2 weeks at a time. Pause for a moment. Can you imagine feeling like the room is spinning constantly? How would you cook? How would you get dressed? It would certainly impact your quality of life and would limit what you could do throughout your day.

Both of these healings took place while I was speaking at different churches and both of these women are strong Christian leaders. They know the Word and have put their faith in Jesus alone. They both would lie in bed and pray for the strength to get through the day. Both knew how to do spiritual battle, and yet the feelings of vertigo still seemed to surround them on every side. I think when you are so dizzy, it is challenging to battle. Fear starts filling your mind as you are stuck spinning around in your own body. Instead of speaking to the mountain, you find yourself begging God to give you the strength to make it through that moment.

Here's where everything changes. They came up for prayer and I could sense urgency and frustration within them. We prayed together to the Healer and then commanded the body to respond. The first lady collapsed immediately in the Spirit. I knew in that moment that God was operating on her and she would be just fine. A few weeks later, I was doing another service and another lady asked for prayer against vertigo. This second lady came and sat by me. We prayed together, but nothing changed. Vertigo was still present. We prayed a second time, and the feeling got slightly better. After the second prayer she informed me that her mother-in-law was suddenly ill and that is when she began having vertigo. She was wondering if that feeling came on from God, as a way to show her something on how to pray, or if it was an attack from the enemy.

Side note: there have been many documented healings in which the people praying would suddenly feel a pain in order to reveal to them how to pray. For example, the speaker suddenly feels a sharp pain in the left elbow, which is not normal for them. This is God revealing what to call out and pray for. The speaker than declares that there is someone in the room that needs healing for their left elbow, so they come forward and get healed. The pain the speaker felt is usually very short but enough to get the speakers attention. I know this may sound crazy, but I have seen this happen many times. It has personally never happened to me, but I do believe God can use it.

Back to the woman with vertigo. She mentioned that she thought it was pain from God. I reminded her that pain from God wasn't like that. It was shorter, less and with a purpose. This vertigo feeling has been happening for weeks. We then prayed that God would redeem what happened in the moment her mother-in-law became ill and NO JOKE, the vertigo lifted up and out of her. She was immediately well. No more headache, no more dizzy spells and she gained mobility back. Praise Jesus! He is the good Father, the excellent Healer. He is big enough to help with any situation. Don't be too proud to ask for help; to ask for another believer to stand with you. We are on the same team! Praise Jesus!


Holy bible detail

Do you know if you are going to Heaven when you die?

The Bible says in Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved!  It really is that simple. Putting your trust and faith in Jesus will allow you to experience peace on what will happen once you are gone.  

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